Post by Steve HayesOn Wed, 12 Jun 2024 05:52:32 +0200, Steve Hayes
Post by Steve HayesIt is the Leavetaking of Pascha that is celebrated from sunset on June
11, and the Ascension of our Lord and God and Saviour Jesus Christ
that is celebrated from sunset on June 12 until the evening of June
The Leavetaking of Pascha and the Forefeast of the Ascension
Well, I do not click on or follow these types of unknown links, even though
you are more trustworthy than most, but I did follow your title, and the link
to the OCA, it spoke of the accession of Christ with the legend of the
finding of the Icon of May. The date of his accession, exact date, is unknown
as far as I know, and the dates they chose to use IS the feast of Pentecost
for Israel. Scripturally speaking.
Personally, I do not follow the religious traditions of men when I find out
they are not correct scripturally.
The outpouring of the Holy Ghost upon the followers of Christ happened on the
day of Pentecost per scripture and as prophesied by Joel.
Anyhow, I understand now that your church dates are traditional, not
necessarily scriptural. Thanks.