OCA should join GOA
(too old to reply)
2024-06-07 00:34:59 UTC
The OCA isn't as Russian as it or others think. It is really Central
European and its counterpart in Europe is already under Constantinople. The
bulk of the OCA was really only under Moscow from 1892 to 1917 because the
Vatican's New York bishop, John Ireland mistreated the Central European
Byzantine Rite Catholics of the Susquehanna Valley under Slovak bishop Alexis
Toth of Wilkes-Barre. Unfortunately many of their older churches still bear
"Russian Orthodox Greek Catholic" cornerstones even though it seems most of
the parishioners are of Czech or Slovenian origin. In antiquity the
Carpathians were Celtic and they even invaded Sicily (3c BC) and Delphi (2c
BC) to go east and become the biblical Galatians (who spoke Celtic until 7c
AD and are the ancestors of many blond, blue eyed Asia Minor Greeks and
Turks). Slavs and Celts both derive from Scythia. Askenazi is cognate with
Scythian as King David had red hair. The Attics of Athens were Scythian
Jovan (Ionian) who then colonised and Hellenised Scythia for wheat; It is
indeterminate if the Greeks influenced the Slavs more or the other way
around. And many Central Europeans are also part German. And now Central
Europe is largely in the EU and its Orthodox Christians would be under
Constantinople should Turkey come to its sences and join the EU so that it
can better control its own extremists. I once asked an OCA friend his ethnic
heritage and he said "depends what point of history". Perhaps they should
change those old signs to "Slavonic Orthodox Greek Catholic" instead. You
would be surprised how many who wanted to attend an OCA church do not enter
because of those signs, especially during the last decade. In the 1990s Serbs
hid as Russians and now Russians conceal themselves a Czechs. Wouldn't it be
easier to just say Slavonic?

Further, some Greeks, Romanians, Georgians et al are repelled by the idea
that they would attend a "Russian" church due to the behavior of Ignatiev,
Nesselrode and Porfiry Uspensky via pan-Slavism. My own maternal family was
scattered across the globe by Bulgarian Comitadges at the urging of
Nesselrode and Ignatiev. Never mind that the only real Russian imperialists
were actually German, viz Catherine and Nesselrode. Much of America's
Midwest was developed by Central European refugees of 1848 Russian
suppression of revolutions they feared would turn Napoleonic. Instead the
Hegelian Central European left freed America's slaves and formed its
industrial labor unions, leaving their conservative extremist cousins to
plague Russia's borders. And, yes, Ignatiev (whose great grand son is a
leader of Trudeau's party) was Georgian. Although this was debunked by Jones
(JTS59), Napoleon (p 31 Napoleon's Egypt Juan Cole 2007) and Nesselrode both
felt conceding to monophysites would convert islam against the Ottomans.
That is why Uspensky deHellenised the Antiochians and almost Jerusalem. And
the Aramaic canard is debunked by Talmudist Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi "Why use
Syriac in Eretz Israel? Speak either Hebrew or Greek!" (Bava Kama 82b-83a)
Not only did Constantinople never accept "Third Rome", they also feel
diaspora is under them via 4ecsy28. But the Russian fascination with
"Oriental Orthodox" produced extremism like Skpotsy circumcising their women
and exasperated the calendar change. Peter the Great greatly curtailed
monasticism for a hundred and fifty years, after which Russians became
fascinated enough to pay the Turks for serious Athos privileges in 1839 and
even the expulsion of many Greeks and the start of much of today's monastic

And let's face it, ever since Putin crashed Siberian Governor Alexander
Lebed's helicopter in April 2002, it became increasingly difficult for other
Orthodox to tell their American colleagues and superiors they had anything to
do with Russians. I admit, for me the anti-Putin moment came two years later
when Paul Klebnikov was killed. I revered Klebnikov's writings on Stolypin
and I had also written for the same NYC Tribune as he. If Yeltsin had asked
Ukraine to become part of the Russian federation, they would probably have
accepted. So it really comes down to the deterioration of Russian democracy
after Yeltsin. Like Klebnikov, I really believed in the democratic
capitalist vision of Stolypin and Yeltsin. Maybe Putin alone isn't the main
culprit as his Praetorian military was afraid of losing business in Iraq and
Iran and so didn't take kindly at Dubya looking into Putin's soul. Mideast
arms trade kept Putin's military and their families from starving after the
end of the Cold War. And Putin read Marshal Goldman's Putin Petrostate
disclosing that Bill Casey got the Saudis to crash oil to crash Russia out of
Afghanistan. Those who complain about "deep state" here should consider how
much worse it is in other countries. I also blame Trump's fellow John Birch
Society members of Russian origin who went back to Russia and agitated
against membership in global organisations like the World Bank, IMF, WTO, EU
and NATO. Recently Putin has been claiming Russia wasn't invited, but the
fault was really in the other direction. Trump's father was present along
with Fred Koch at JBS founding. In college I had come into contact with JBS
and found the denoted national views of the central organisation were much
milder and politically sanitised than the extremist connotations of the
ground level members its repuation attracts. Unfortunately the same
attraction selection problem has also beset Orthodox Christianity. Just
before the pandemic, I met someone who had trampled through Buddhism and
Judaism and wanted to turn my local OCA chuch into a chapter of the NRA.
Vasos Panagiotopoulos panix.com/~vjp2/vasos.htm
---{Nothing herein constitutes advice. Everything fully disclaimed.}---
2024-06-07 01:43:41 UTC
The OCA isn't as Russian as it or others think. It is really Central
European and its counterpart in Europe is already under Constantinople. The
bulk of the OCA was really only under Moscow from 1892 to 1917 because the
Vatican's New York bishop, John Ireland mistreated the Central European
Byzantine Rite Catholics of the Susquehanna Valley under Slovak bishop Alexis
Toth of Wilkes-Barre. Unfortunately many of their older churches still bear
"Russian Orthodox Greek Catholic" cornerstones even though it seems most of
the parishioners are of Czech or Slovenian origin. In antiquity the
Carpathians were Celtic and they even invaded Sicily (3c BC) and Delphi (2c
BC) to go east and become the biblical Galatians (who spoke Celtic until 7c
AD and are the ancestors of many blond, blue eyed Asia Minor Greeks and
Turks). Slavs and Celts both derive from Scythia. Askenazi is cognate with
Scythian as King David had red hair. The Attics of Athens were Scythian
Jovan (Ionian) who then colonised and Hellenised Scythia for wheat; It is
indeterminate if the Greeks influenced the Slavs more or the other way
around. And many Central Europeans are also part German. And now Central
Europe is largely in the EU and its Orthodox Christians would be under
Constantinople should Turkey come to its sences and join the EU so that it
can better control its own extremists. I once asked an OCA friend his ethnic
heritage and he said "depends what point of history". Perhaps they should
change those old signs to "Slavonic Orthodox Greek Catholic" instead. You
would be surprised how many who wanted to attend an OCA church do not enter
because of those signs, especially during the last decade. In the 1990s Serbs
hid as Russians and now Russians conceal themselves a Czechs. Wouldn't it be
easier to just say Slavonic?
Further, some Greeks, Romanians, Georgians et al are repelled by the idea
that they would attend a "Russian" church due to the behavior of Ignatiev,
Nesselrode and Porfiry Uspensky via pan-Slavism. My own maternal family was
scattered across the globe by Bulgarian Comitadges at the urging of
Nesselrode and Ignatiev. Never mind that the only real Russian imperialists
were actually German, viz Catherine and Nesselrode. Much of America's
Midwest was developed by Central European refugees of 1848 Russian
suppression of revolutions they feared would turn Napoleonic. Instead the
Hegelian Central European left freed America's slaves and formed its
industrial labor unions, leaving their conservative extremist cousins to
plague Russia's borders. And, yes, Ignatiev (whose great grand son is a
leader of Trudeau's party) was Georgian. Although this was debunked by Jones
(JTS59), Napoleon (p 31 Napoleon's Egypt Juan Cole 2007) and Nesselrode both
felt conceding to monophysites would convert islam against the Ottomans.
That is why Uspensky deHellenised the Antiochians and almost Jerusalem. And
the Aramaic canard is debunked by Talmudist Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi "Why use
Syriac in Eretz Israel? Speak either Hebrew or Greek!" (Bava Kama 82b-83a)
Not only did Constantinople never accept "Third Rome", they also feel
diaspora is under them via 4ecsy28. But the Russian fascination with
"Oriental Orthodox" produced extremism like Skpotsy circumcising their women
and exasperated the calendar change. Peter the Great greatly curtailed
monasticism for a hundred and fifty years, after which Russians became
fascinated enough to pay the Turks for serious Athos privileges in 1839 and
even the expulsion of many Greeks and the start of much of today's monastic
And let's face it, ever since Putin crashed Siberian Governor Alexander
Lebed's helicopter in April 2002, it became increasingly difficult for other
Orthodox to tell their American colleagues and superiors they had anything to
do with Russians. I admit, for me the anti-Putin moment came two years later
when Paul Klebnikov was killed. I revered Klebnikov's writings on Stolypin
and I had also written for the same NYC Tribune as he. If Yeltsin had asked
Ukraine to become part of the Russian federation, they would probably have
accepted. So it really comes down to the deterioration of Russian democracy
after Yeltsin. Like Klebnikov, I really believed in the democratic
capitalist vision of Stolypin and Yeltsin. Maybe Putin alone isn't the main
culprit as his Praetorian military was afraid of losing business in Iraq and
Iran and so didn't take kindly at Dubya looking into Putin's soul. Mideast
arms trade kept Putin's military and their families from starving after the
end of the Cold War. And Putin read Marshal Goldman's Putin Petrostate
disclosing that Bill Casey got the Saudis to crash oil to crash Russia out of
Afghanistan. Those who complain about "deep state" here should consider how
much worse it is in other countries. I also blame Trump's fellow John Birch
Society members of Russian origin who went back to Russia and agitated
against membership in global organisations like the World Bank, IMF, WTO, EU
and NATO. Recently Putin has been claiming Russia wasn't invited, but the
fault was really in the other direction. Trump's father was present along
with Fred Koch at JBS founding. In college I had come into contact with JBS
and found the denoted national views of the central organisation were much
milder and politically sanitised than the extremist connotations of the
ground level members its repuation attracts. Unfortunately the same
attraction selection problem has also beset Orthodox Christianity. Just
before the pandemic, I met someone who had trampled through Buddhism and
Judaism and wanted to turn my local OCA chuch into a chapter of the NRA.
Divisions in the Church

1Co 3:1 And I, brethren, could not speak unto you as unto spiritual, but as
unto carnal, even as unto babes in Christ.

1Co 3:2 I have fed you with milk, and not with meat: for hitherto ye were not
able to bear it, neither yet now are ye able.

1Co 3:3 For ye are yet carnal: for whereas there is among you envying, and
strife, and divisions, are ye not carnal, and walk as men?

1Co 3:4 For while one saith, I am of Paul; and another, I am of Apollos; are
ye not carnal?

1Co 3:5 Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos, but ministers by whom ye
believed, even as the Lord gave to every man?

1Co 3:6 I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.

Gal 3:28 (KJV)

28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is
neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.

Rom 8:7 Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject
to the law of God, neither indeed can be.

Rom 8:8 So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.

Rom 8:9 But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the
Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he
is none of his.

Rom 8:10 And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the
Spiritis life because of righteousness.

Rom 8:11 But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in
you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal
bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.

The Lord is returning soon, very soon, for his own, Keep looking up!

Luk 21:36Watch ye therefore, andpray always, that ye may be accounted worthy
to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the
Son of man.
Steve Hayes
2024-06-07 03:21:28 UTC
The OCA isn't as Russian as it or others think. It is really Central
European and its counterpart in Europe is already under Constantinople. The
bulk of the OCA was really only under Moscow from 1892 to 1917 because the
Vatican's New York bishop, John Ireland mistreated the Central European
Byzantine Rite Catholics of the Susquehanna Valley under Slovak bishop Alexis
Toth of Wilkes-Barre. Unfortunately many of their older churches still bear
"Russian Orthodox Greek Catholic" cornerstones even though it seems most of
the parishioners are of Czech or Slovenian origin. In antiquity the
Carpathians were Celtic and they even invaded Sicily (3c BC) and Delphi (2c
BC) to go east and become the biblical Galatians (who spoke Celtic until 7c
AD and are the ancestors of many blond, blue eyed Asia Minor Greeks and
Turks). Slavs and Celts both derive from Scythia. Askenazi is cognate with
Scythian as King David had red hair. The Attics of Athens were Scythian
Jovan (Ionian) who then colonised and Hellenised Scythia for wheat; It is
indeterminate if the Greeks influenced the Slavs more or the other way
around. And many Central Europeans are also part German. And now Central
Europe is largely in the EU and its Orthodox Christians would be under
Constantinople should Turkey come to its sences and join the EU so that it
can better control its own extremists. I once asked an OCA friend his ethnic
heritage and he said "depends what point of history". Perhaps they should
change those old signs to "Slavonic Orthodox Greek Catholic" instead. You
would be surprised how many who wanted to attend an OCA church do not enter
because of those signs, especially during the last decade. In the 1990s Serbs
hid as Russians and now Russians conceal themselves a Czechs. Wouldn't it be
easier to just say Slavonic?
That would make sense if they wwere to form a new North American
autocephalous church, but not otherwise.
A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing on usenet and in e-mail?
2024-06-07 05:33:26 UTC
Post by Steve Hayes
The OCA isn't as Russian as it or others think. It is really Central
European and its counterpart in Europe is already under Constantinople. The
bulk of the OCA was really only under Moscow from 1892 to 1917 because the
Vatican's New York bishop, John Ireland mistreated the Central European
Byzantine Rite Catholics of the Susquehanna Valley under Slovak bishop Alexis
Toth of Wilkes-Barre. Unfortunately many of their older churches still bear
"Russian Orthodox Greek Catholic" cornerstones even though it seems most of
the parishioners are of Czech or Slovenian origin. In antiquity the
Carpathians were Celtic and they even invaded Sicily (3c BC) and Delphi (2c
BC) to go east and become the biblical Galatians (who spoke Celtic until 7c
AD and are the ancestors of many blond, blue eyed Asia Minor Greeks and
Turks). Slavs and Celts both derive from Scythia. Askenazi is cognate with
Scythian as King David had red hair. The Attics of Athens were Scythian
Jovan (Ionian) who then colonised and Hellenised Scythia for wheat; It is
indeterminate if the Greeks influenced the Slavs more or the other way
around. And many Central Europeans are also part German. And now Central
Europe is largely in the EU and its Orthodox Christians would be under
Constantinople should Turkey come to its sences and join the EU so that it
can better control its own extremists. I once asked an OCA friend his ethnic
heritage and he said "depends what point of history". Perhaps they should
change those old signs to "Slavonic Orthodox Greek Catholic" instead. You
would be surprised how many who wanted to attend an OCA church do not enter
because of those signs, especially during the last decade. In the 1990s Serbs
hid as Russians and now Russians conceal themselves a Czechs. Wouldn't it be
easier to just say Slavonic?
That would make sense if they wwere to form a new North American
autocephalous church, but not otherwise.
You may want to redirect your post?
2024-06-16 23:40:52 UTC
Maybe they should change those plaques/inscriptions to
"Carpatho Danubian Orthodox"

Right now, and for the past ten years, walking into anything "Russian" in the
USA is likely to get you close to blacklisted.

And the irony is there are extremely few Russains in the OCA.

It is only now that I see the hypocrisy of the OCA arguing about "American
Orthodox" all those years while their churches nearly all had "Russian
Orthodox Greek Christian" inscriptions.
Vasos Panagiotopoulos panix.com/~vjp2/vasos.htm
---{Nothing herein constitutes advice. Everything fully disclaimed.}---
pyotr filipivich
2024-06-17 15:20:41 UTC
***@at.BioStrategist.dot.dot.com on Sun, 16 Jun 2024 23:40:52
-0000 (UTC) typed in alt.religion.christian.east-orthodox the
Post by v***@at.BioStrategist.dot.dot.com
Maybe they should change those plaques/inscriptions to
"Carpatho Danubian Orthodox"
Right now, and for the past ten years, walking into anything "Russian" in the
USA is likely to get you close to blacklisted.
And the irony is there are extremely few Russains in the OCA.
It is only now that I see the hypocrisy of the OCA arguing about "American
Orthodox" all those years while their churches nearly all had "Russian
Orthodox Greek Christian" inscriptions.
Do you see hypocrisy everywhere?

The reality is that there is indeed a need for an "American
Orthodox Church." or more precisely "an Orthodox Church in America".
An Orthodox instantiation which reflects the cultural heritage of
Americans and does not attempt to make them second class Russians,
Greeks, or Serbo-Carpathians.

For many "I am spiritual, not religious".seems the short form of
"I retain the option to adjust my beliefs to fit my lifestyle,
nor be constrained by prior statements about what I said I believe."